Yoga Vasishta
& Teaching Holistic Yoga
A Webinar Presented by HUA
May 23rd 9 AM PST/ 11 AM CST / 12 Noon EST
Description: Yoga Vasistha is an extraordinary Hindu text, that consists of some 29,000 + verses, constituting
a dialog between The Rishi Vasistha and the Prince of Ayodhya, Sri Rama. This text is at once both intensely
philosophical and pleasingly poetic - typical of the style of many ancient Hindu texts. It has been an important
teaching manual for Yoga Teachers and Students across time.
Learning Outcomes: In this webinar, you will engage with the following questions:
1) What does the Text cover and for whom is it relevant?
2) How does it support Learning, Integrating and Teaching Yoga?
3) How to engage with HUA's Teaching Holistic Yoga curriculum?