Hindus for Black Lives and the Struggle for Truth and Justice
June 27th, 2020
9 am PST / 11 am CST / Noon EST
When Hindus say “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah”, we mean “May all be happy”. The “all” includes all of creation without excluding anyone or any group. Hindus may not always live up to that ideal. But it is an ideal that is dear to them. It is therefore entirely appropriate to stand in solidarity with the African American community, as they struggle for Truth and Justice, which has been denied to them through institutionalized and systemic racism.
In this webinar, Justin Marks, a community organizer and member of Black Lives Matter, Los Angeles and the Youth Justice Coalition will engage in a conversation with Ankur Patel and Kalyan Viswanathan from Hindu University of America. In this webinar, we will explore the following questions:
1) What is the relationship between Truth and Justice?
2) What is the common ground between the Hindu experience and the Black experience in our search for truth and justice?
3) What does this moment of awakening and urgency call for from institutions committed to knowledge and truth?