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Register for the Gita Vidya Sadhana Course

Gita Vidya Sadhana a new three-part sequence of courses titled Sadhana, Sodhana and Vadana that help students to integrate the wisdom of the Bhagavad-Gita in their lives. The Sadhana course focuses on guided chanting, the Sodhana course on the meanings and interpretations of selected Shlokas from a comparative perspective, while Vadana prepares Students to articulate perspectives on these verses on their own, and even teach others. These courses enable students to memorise, understand and apply the essential aspects of the divine wisdom imparted by Shri Krishna to Arjuna. 

Along the way, the students will also acquire an overview of Hindu Dharma from a spiritual perspective that can enrich their lives. In this Webinar, you will get introduced to this 3-course sequence and explore the value they may bring to your life. 

BIO Gopi V. Prasad