Western Psychology versus Antaranga (Inner) Yoga
A Webinar Presented by HUA
June 13th 9 AM PST / 12 Noon EST
In this webinar, we will explore the similarities and differences between Western Psychology and the Hindu conception of Inner Yoga i.e. Antaranga Yoga. While modern psychology was invented around 1875 CE (William James in the US and Wilhelm Wundt in Germany) and constituted into the contemporary discipline in the mould of the natural sciences, Hindu thought has been concerned with inner transformation of the human psyche for millennia.
In this Webinar, participants will learn about:
- The Western attempts at positioning Psychology as a Science
- Hindu perspectives on Self transformation
- The practices of inner transformation from the world of Yoga
- The seamless integration of the world of art and inner work
To learn more, please join Hindu University of America for a free webinar on "Western Psychology versus Antaranga Yoga" on Saturday, June 13th at 9 AM PST/ Noon EST