Aryanism and Indology
A Webinar Presented by HUA
June 6th 9 AM PST / 12 Noon EST
You are invited to join this webinar with Dr. Joydeep Bagchee. You may be familiar with the idea of an Aryan “master race” that appears to have an enduring hold on the racist imagination. This idea seems to have created a link between the history of India and Europe, that was unknown to the Hindus.
But when and how did the concept arise?
To learn more, please join Hindu University of America for a free webinar on "Aryanism & Indology" on Saturday, June 6th at 9 AM PST/ Noon EST
In this webinar, you will be introduced to these ideas:
1) How Indology (specifically German Indology in the 19th century) is essentially linked with "Aryanism"
2) How the discourse on Aryans underpins all efforts at dating of Indian texts and periodization, including
the history of India and explanations of Hinduism